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Jan 23, 2022
Now our website is available in English and French.
Welcome to our website! Our website is available in English and French finally. I'm sure some of you may find it easier to read in...

Jan 20, 2022
Morning Routine
Watering the plants with the coffee pot is my daughter's work now before she goes to nursery. This craftwork coffee pot (for one person)...

Dec 6, 2021
Independent work space.
Own Space. Stimulating the mind: inspire kitchen. Children like to copy parents! Happy to ask children to help, but kitchen space is...

Dec 5, 2021
inspire kitchen can use water anywhere.
Water is discharged from the water dispenser, so no waterworks are required. Therefore, you can freely choose the place to setting it...

Aug 15, 2021
About inspire kitchen /two doors
Our inspire kitchen that makes children feel "I can do it by myself". Using the right size of the kitchen since young ages, children will...

Aug 15, 2021
About inspire kitchen /without doors
One of the characteristics of young children is their difficulty to realise that the "something" still exists when this "something" is...

Aug 15, 2021
About Stainless steel /Wooden legs
"Children grow so fast" We all know that this situation will not last forever. But we sometimes get depressed thinking "when will this...

Aug 15, 2021
Our trial plan experience.
3days "inspire trial kitchen" Actual kitchen cabinet for children helping childcare and supporting food education. New! Now you can try...

Aug 13, 2021
The real practices of daily life.
The markets were real practices of daily life when we lived in France. To get what we actually wanted required a good amount of effort to...

Aug 13, 2021
”Natural ” from young age.
Shopping bags are charged now in Japan. Most people go shopping with their eco bags. It is a fun to choose from different types, with...

Aug 12, 2021
The fantastic cooking time with kids.
I baked a simple apple cake with my 4-year-old daughter who has just started to read Hiragana(Japanese letters ) and count numbers....

Aug 9, 2021
The work is "80% preparation, 20% production"
It has started with some little help of mummy at the beginning but now it is becoming a real work for himself. With a bit of help from...

Jul 31, 2021
The design thinking....What's it?
We took a design lesson at Tsutaya book store in Shonan T-site. The topic was to make a sign panel as a tool that can solve the problems...

Jul 31, 2021
Passion for making product.
The lamp always within eyesight. It is a special lamp for me. During our expatriation in France, we knew almost the returning time, going...

Jul 31, 2021
Thinking in a limited freedom.
This waste container is clear, so children can see it when it fills up. We can recycle water from this water container for watering...

Jul 31, 2021
Knowing how to finish the work.
Using a wave cutter, 2 yrs child can also cut vegitables or fruits easily and safely. These waves make the veggies and fruits nice...

Jul 31, 2021
What's new thing that you watching?
Where does this water go now? He is observing the level of water in the dispenser going down, the water flows from the tap, the water he...

Jul 31, 2021
Hello! my inspire kitchen!
When this 2 year-old boy, L met our kitchen for the first time. Mummy asked him to cut bananas and apples of good size and hardness for...

Jul 31, 2021
Dear future customers
Observing something or concentrating on time are precious moments for children, they even forget about their surrounding existence. As...
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