3days "inspire trial kitchen"

Actual kitchen cabinet for children helping childcare and supporting food education. New! Now you can try our inspire kitchen at your home before purchasing.
They were so excited with the new toy, one could not resist putting his head in the sink or using water dispenser while installing.
What can we do with the inspire kitchen now?
This will continue on our website page 【Home/trial】 page!
It has been about 6 months now since I have installed the inspire kitchen in my home. My experience of this kitchen is that this is becoming an experimental space for children.

They try and make things, independantly, without parents' permissions. One of the goals of kitchen's childcare and food education is to develop everyday sensations and acquire, from childhood, the knowledge and skills that are necessary for social life. It sounds like studying in a way.... Doesn't it make you feel uncomfortable when you hear that?
I think this inspire kitchen is not just a kitchen space, or a cooking space, or a device to help adults but a mean for children to expand their capacities, by using water or work alone. They become much more independent than one can imagine.
Manual works and imagination will bring many tips and may lead children to help adults without realising they are helping, no forcing.
If you are interested to try, this trial plan will come with online simple cooking lessons that we can share some moments together.
inspire kitchen
designed by Kiyo SANADA
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