How to Order
Estimates are free. Please feel free to contact us.
Please contact us using the inquiry form with your questions: such as how to install, what to store in the cabinet, ideal size, colour and texture of your surroundings, including image photos, URL . These details will help us to discuss with you.
We will send you an estimate including the details of our offer.
Once you agree with our quotation, we will ask you for bank transfer of sum of 50% of total amount. We will prepare drawings and overall sketches with more details.
Once we got your approval of the drawing, we will proceed to the production process. Our Inspire Kitchen is built-to-order product, so it takes about a month from your drawing approval. If you have any specific date to receive it, please let us know in advance for possibility.
We will inform you when the furniture is nearly ready, please proceed to the bank transfer for remaining of total amount before shipping. Once we acknowledge your total amount of payment, we will prepare packing and shipping by using KURONEKO YAMATO (Yamato Home Convenience Service for Household goods)
We can propose some websites where you may find useful kitchen utensils for your children according to your requests. (Only for customers placing an order) We are with you to listen to your any questions to deliver the most personalised Inspire Kitchen to be welcomed as a member of your family!